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Finding ways to enhance the speed and efficiency of your existing computer system is vital for any business. Whether you are a one-person business or employing hundreds of staff, you always need to find ways to speed up your computer processes. Larger corporations usually have IT professionals to worry about these issues, but small business owners may have to sort it all themselves. To help you find ways to prolong the life of your computers, here are a few tips and tricks:


If your business warrants it, it may be an idea to outsource your IT services to a professional company that can come in and run all the required maintenance you need. They will ensure that all your systems are safe and secure as well as running as efficiently as they can be. In the long run, this will save you time, money and resources.

Use External Storage

If you have a lot of old files that are no longer required, but you cannot get rid of them, ensure that these are not on your business computer. You can free up a lot of space by using an external form of storage such as the cloud for business or an external hard drive . If you work alone, a computer can very easily get clogged up with old customer files. Having a space to store all this can hello keep your computer running smoothly while giving you that peace of mind that the data is safe.

Remove Unnecessary Programs and Files

That last thing you want is for the computers on your network to be filled up with old programs that are no longer used. Simply do a little maintenance, log into the uninstall program section, and remove anything that is no longer required. You should also get rid of all the old or duplicate files that are simply taking up space for no reason. Ensure you search for all files the easy way and remove anything that is no longer needed. If you want your computers to run for as long a time as possible, you need to do this fairly regularly.

System Maintenance Tools

Ensure you regularly run system maintenance tools such as the defragger. This can be of particular use if you have just deleted a lot of unused files or transferred files elsewhere. You can also run a disk clean-up tool. All of these are designed to make your system more efficient.

Add Extra RAM

If your computer is still running slowly and you have performed a lot of maintenance, you may just need to add some extra RAM (random access memory) instead of going out and buying a new computer. It is a relatively easy upgrade that is pretty simple to install yourself. Just ensure you do your research and work out which RAM would be best for your machine. Then all you have to do is open the computer up and slide the new RAM into the slot. This should speed your computer up instantly.

Websites by Masterhouse

Masterhouse Media is an innovative digital consulting agency from Vancouver, BC specializing in web development and mobile apps. Masterhouse is best known for launching the popular Internet portal in 1999, one of the first social media platforms on the Internet. The company is currently focused on building digital strategies and premium websites for clients. Find out more at