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Logos have a long and storied history. The first logos may have been used in the Ancient Roman Empire – although this is disputable. Historians certainly know for sure that medieval merchants used distinctive marks to advertise their skills and often carved them into the walls of churches.

Today, logos are an essential part of marketing and brand identity for almost every public-facing business. Here are five places you can put your company’s logo that will increase brand awareness.

Social Media

Social media is one of the most direct ways that a company can communicate with consumers. Logos should be displayed prominently on company social media profiles, as social media platforms offer ample opportunities to incorporate logos, including customizable profile pictures and header photos. Logo Watermarks can also be applied to photographs and videos hosted on social media platforms.

Custom Clothes And Shoes

Clothing and identity are intertwined. Companies that incorporate their logos in the design of custom items of clothing have the opportunity to appeal to their target audiences by aligning themselves with an appealing and relatable identity. Choosing the kindof customized clothing to order is largely dependent upon good market research. If you are wanting to advertise to young adrenaline-chasing sportspeople, for instance, printing your logo on a Helly Hansen custom jacket would make a great deal of sense.

Sports And Music Venues

Sports and music venues are perfect places to display logos – but you will have to pay an appropriate price. Venue managers and owners know the value of their real estate well and make a great deal of their revenue through sponsorship in many cases. The upside is that displaying your logo in these venues ensures that they will be seen by thousands of potential consumers. However, money spent displaying your logo in a venue can be wasted if you do not research the spending habits of the people who typically attend the venue you are targeting.


Vehicles are incredibly effective platforms for advertising. If your business has a distribution chain, the potential for marketing using vehicles is remarkably high. The trucks, vans, and scooters that form all or part of your distribution chain can be adorned with logos. Some companies have developed an extremely strong brand identity using this method. Perhaps the most famous example of this kind of success is how the Coca Cola company has used their trucks. Bright red cola distribution vehicles were adorned with the company’s logo, and were so striking that they formed the backbone of the soft drink giant’s Christmas marketing campaigns in the mid-1990s. Since then, the Coca Cola truck has become something of a cultural icon. The company routinely plays on this by touring their famous trucks around the country at Christmas time.


If a company wants to find return customers, then its logos should appear prominently on all product packaging. This is, by now, a standard practice across many industries. Packaging can form as large a part of a brand’s identity as the product contained within it.

Websites by Masterhouse

Masterhouse Media is an innovative digital consulting agency from Vancouver, BC specializing in web development and mobile apps. Masterhouse is best known for launching the popular Internet portal in 1999, one of the first social media platforms on the Internet. The company is currently focused on building digital strategies and premium websites for clients. Find out more at